Friday, July 13, 2007

More on bid to buy Blazers

From Daily News of Sat., July 14:

The four ex-players who are involved with River City Hockey Inc., the group
attempting to purchase the WHL's Kamloops Blazers, will be more involved in
the sales pitch this time around.
So says Tom Gaglardi, the Vancouver-based businessman who heads up RCH.
A year ago, when RCH tried to buy the franchise, Gaglardi had ex-Blazers
Shane Doan, Mark Recchi and Darryl Sydor with him. Those three still are
involved and they have added Jarome Iginla.
Doan, Recchi and Sydor didn∂t have much of a public profile last summer when
it came to trying to sell the bid. That, Gaglardi said, is about to change.
"Absolutely," Gaglardi said Friday evening. "Mark has bought a home (in Sun
Rivers) and is going to spend a good chunk of his summer there. Darryl and
Shane are there now.
"These guys are serious . . . they always were."
Gaglardi also said that "there are other players" who have shown an interest
in getting involved but that "I'm not anxious to expand the group."
"We may (expand) but I don't think so," he added.
Since being rebuffed in an attempt to purchase the team a year ago, Gaglardi
said he and Recchi have bought $1,000 memberships in the Kamloops Blazers
Sports Society. He said that in the next while the other three players also
will become members.
"By the AGM we'll all be members," he said, referring to the society's
annual general meeting which normally is held in September. "We'll all be
On Thursday, Blazers president Murray Owen said that in his opinion
Gaglardi's actions are "contrary to (the Blazers') constitution."
Gaglardi said yesterday that in becoming a member he had to sign a letter
saying he would "uphold the constitution."
"I looked at that letter pretty hard legally," he said, "and it says the
square-root of nothing.
"I'm hoping that . . . the board will act properly and just put (the
purchase offer) to the members."
RCH's next move will be to finalize its latest offer, which Gaglardi said
Thursday will be for $6 million, as it was a year ago.
"We're going to put our offer in within a few days," he said. "It might be
next week and it may not be. But I think more likely that it will be."
After presenting an offer to the Blazers' board of directors, RCH will wait
for a response.

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