A reader has left this question: "Gregg, can you explain why #257,261,265,269,271 and 283 are listed as being traded picks? Did those teams really trade for those picks then pass?"
Unfortunately, I have no answer. The WHL draft is one of the more media unfriendly events I have covered. The media isn't given any kind of list -- an alphabeticized list of draft-eligible players would be nice, just so that we could at least get spellings and team names correct.
Trades or transfers often aren't announced. It will be announced that a pick has been transferred, but no one will say what went the other way. At one point, someone told me one pick had been transferred for 24 beer. I don't know if the person was joking or not.
I think Seattle transferred three late picks to Brandon. I have no idea what Brandon gave up, if anything.