Daily News Sports Editor
It is becoming almost a daily ritual.I report to work late in the afternoon, walk over to one of the elves and hand over some loot — err, donations — from the previous day.
In this case, it was Monday and I was bringing in donations to The Daily News Christmas Cheer Fund that were handed to me at weekend hockey games.

In recent days, Sosa has started up Turning Point Sports Management, while maintaining his legal practice. Carlos, an NHLPA certified agent, is Turning Point’s legal counsel. His partner is former Blazers legend Darcy Tucker, who ended his playing career prior to this season. Tucker is the firm’s hockey director and talent co-ordinator, and I have a feeling we may see him visit Kamloops before this season comes to an end.
I also had an envelope handed to me during one of the weekend games, and it turned out to be from old friend Doris Rubel. She and daughter Kerry are the Blazers’ billet co-ordinators. Doris is with us every year, in memory of her son Dave.
And, while seated in the press box on Saturday, I felt a tap on a shoulder. When I turned around I was staring into the face of Queen Elizabeth II. Actually, it was a $20 bill. “Just say it’s from a Blazers volunteer,” said the person who owns the hand that was turning over the cash.
Consider it done.
Those three donations helped push us over $15,000, and we still have more than two weeks to go.
And you can bet that things are starting to boom at places like Walmart and Rivershore Chrysler Dodge Jeep, where they are on board with us in a big, big way.
The gals at Curves on Laval Crescent will be counting their pennies, and the Christmas Cheer can that is at High Octane Comics all year long will be getting heavier.
And remember that because The Daily News covers all administrative costs, every penny raised here will go to one of five local charities — the Canadian Association for the Mentally Ill, the Marjorie Willoughby Snowden Memorial Hospice House, the New Life Mission, the WunderCafe Soup Kitchen, and the YMCA-YWCA Y Women's Emergency Shelter.
You have until Dec. 23 to join us in the wintery fun. You may do that at our front counter. Just walk into the office at 393 Seymour St., and one of the elves will be pleased to help. Or use one of the Christmas Cheer Fund forms that is published daily in this newspaper.
Either way, we’ll be glad you did.
A Blazers volunteer $20.00
In loving memory of Dave Rubel $50.00
Carlos Sosa $100.00
Bill Buchan $20.00
Kathleen Pritchard $25.00
Mary Jane and Ralph Finch $100.00
Anonymous $40.00
Dorothy Walton $100.00
In loving memory of Bev Merrett, Glenda MacKinnon and Pauline Smith $50.00
OVERALL TOTAL $15,175.34
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